Massage in The Urban Yurt

Damian works one-to-one with clients in the Urban Yurt.
– Melt away tension under expert touch
– Relief from chronic pain
– Release your emotions in a space of safety

Sessions are 90 minutes; £70 (concession spaces available) Ask about availability

My tools:

MASSAGE: qualified and experienced , my touch is slow, deep and gentle – If you’re looking for relief, we can trace lines of tension to their source and release them. For example; neck pain can often be traces down arms to your hands – so a hand massage may be the first point to release before massaging up arms, shoulder, neck, jaw and head. With genuine curiosity, appreciation and care we can uncover underlying causes for pain (including physical or emotional/spiritual components). I’m also qualified in Oncology massage, helping to provide complimentary therapy for you if you have cancer and are undergoing treatment, or have ever been diagnosed with cancer.

CONNECTION: I listen with care, and without judgement. I’ve worked with many people, including those who might otherwise “appear” to be very successful, to help to find deeper self-compassion and fulfilment. I work with those feeling lost, and others wanting to rediscover their creativity, I work with people at the end of life.
I also work with those seeking ‘enlightenment’ to guide them to awaken to their own truth.
Whatever your reason, I’m here to support you on your own unique journey.

PLAY: When you’re ready, we might introduce playfulness into a session. From slow-dancing to pillow-fighting to play-acting primal parts of our psyche, the Urban Yurt offers a unique safe space to get back in touch with your playful and creative side. Play can be a wonderful way to explore ourselves and I’m happy to use play (if wanted) as a tool for healing tender parts of our characters, it can lighten our hearts and is a welcome part of any session.

Make a start, get in touch with me here and now.

About You

TraumaMy work is trauma informed, I work best with those who have done enough prior healing work on their trauma to be able to self-resource and hold themselves through the session. If you have significant untreated trauma in your history, please ensure you have received enough previous support to be sufficiently grounded and stable. 

Inclusivity – I’m kink and polyamory aware, LGBTQ+ friendly, ensuring a safe, non-judgemental space for you to find and express your authentic self.

Accessability – The Yurt is 50m across grass from the nearest (free) on-street parking space. There is a 25cm step up with no ramp. There is a small toilet (not wheelchair friendly). If these limitations aren’t show-stoppers for you, then I’d be happy to do all I can to help make the space accessible for you. Please get in touch to let me know how to help.

Live Group sessions & Retreats

Spirituality and Nonsense A free group join our discussion on spiritual awakening.

Enlightenment Intensive Retreats  4 Days retreat of intensive self-enquiry in Scotland