Multi-Handed Massage Workshop (SOLD OUT)

Relaxing practical workshop designed to melt you in care and love. Give massage and then receive soothing massage from up to 10 hands at a time. Places are limited and our last event sold out – so please book early to avoid disappointment.


Join the energy in a small group that’s focused on caring for one person at a time, all giving consensual massage. Then take your turn and surrender to receiving consensual care from 10 hands, you, of-course, decide exactly where and how you’d like to be massaged. The whole experience can be totally enjoyed with all clothes on, or in your underwear, or anything in-between, whatever you feel comfortable with. Open to anyone over 21 no massage experience necessary.

The event takes place in the private space of the Urban Yurt – a safe and confidential container where you can let your hair down, slow down and breathe.

What happens at this event?

You’ll be guided by two facilitators: Damian, qualified in Swedish massage, experienced in leading consensual and conscious touch workshops. And Cheryl, a qualified Swedish massage therapist with alternative therapy experience. Whilst we can guide and provide ideas and inspiration, this is not a massage “class”. Instruction is focused on allowing safe consensual touch and on helping you drop deeply into the giving and receiving roles. This workshop is itself a judgement-free container where all people, emotions and states are welcome.

We’ll start with some exercises on consent and boundaries (informed by the work of Betty Martin) to get to know each other. Then we have some fun instruction about touch, followed by 2 hours of slow multi-handed massage, taking turns to give and receive.

If you have questions – then let us know, we’d love to hear form you.